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During pregnancy and childbirth, you and your family will experience rewarding and challenging physical, emotional and spiritual changes. Kathleen helps ease these transitions using a combination of safe, gentle healing therapies that assist you to experience optimal health through your childbearing years. Kathleen listens deeply and inspires women to trust themselves and feel empowered during this profound passage through the birthing process.

Women's  Passages
Birth  Care,  Prenatal  and  Postpartum

Kathleen has worked integrally with the pioneering, front-line Midwives of Santa Cruz and the home birth community since the early 80s, complementing the care of home birth midwives, hospital midwives and obstetricians, as well as doctors, chiropractors, therapists, and other healthcare professionals.

Pregnancy Treatment Plan

• Embracing the Beginning Series
Start to 12 weeks
Once a week for morning or all-day sickness, balancing hormones, and other first trimester needs, p2

• Ongoing Support Sessions

12-34 weeks
Once or twice a month for various symptoms, tune-ups and deeply relaxing restorative care, p2

• Preparation for Labor Series
34 weeks until birth
Once a week to prepare for labor: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

• Restorative Series, Postpartum Care
4 to 6 sessions or as needed, p2

Women's Care, p3