The answers and knowing lie deep within us.
Through the process of self-discovery (our own inquiry and assisted inquiry), we come to know precise insights that lead to healing. Kathleen believes deeply in this truth. Over the years she has noted that bringing presence, openness and allowing into the session unfolds a deepening intimacy with yourself.
By exploring, as they arise, patterns of conditioned responses and issues (impressions, memories and associations, etc.) held within your experience and body, you can unwind and release conditions and identities that keep these patterns locked within your body and affect your health and well-being. Contacting these places gently and precisely, and inquiring, exploring and understanding, you can bring about an alchemical transformation from within. Therefore, healing can occur on one or all levels: physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual.
Kathleen adds her supportive presence, insight and sensitivity and her ongoing embodiment and dedication to the Diamond Heart Approach (a student since 1989) to the palette of modalities she brings to your session. Her deep reverence, empathy and experience come through the techniques she employs; the quiet atmosphere, her touch and presence may open possibilities for healing and for experiencing your essential presence.
By making intimate contact with the truth of your everyday life through self-inquiry and meditation, you can learn to invite being itself to provide profound guidance and understanding for your inner journey of self-discovery. You can come home to the still, sweet simplicity of your true nature—while living in today’s complex world.
A few words on the Diamond Heart Approach
The Diamond Heart Approach is a contemporary spiritual path integrating the teaching and practices of the ancient wisdom traditions with modern, in-depth psychology. Taught by the Ridhwan School.